A wise doctor does not mutter incantat
ions over a sore that needs the knife.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
ITC Musclehead是字体设计师Timothy Donaldson的作品,一款粗壮密集的手写字体。它看上去似乎是用笔刷创作的,但实际上是用Donaldson从马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的一家公司购买的一支直线笔(ruling pen)创作的。他说:“在哪个时候(20世纪90年代后期),这个世界已经疯狂于直线笔,我开始厌倦了大多数人写的那些哗众取宠的文字。我想用这个工具进行一些繁重而强大的操作,所以这就是我所做的。”
ITC Musclehead is the work of type designer Timothy Donaldson, a robust, densely packed handwriting typeface. It almost looks like brushwork but was in fact made with a ruling pen which Donaldson had bought from a company in Salem, Massachusetts. He says, The world's gone ruling-pen mad at the moment [late 1990s] and I was beginning to tire of all the skinny splashiness of the letters that most people were making with them. I wanted to do something heavy and robust with the tool, so that's what I did.""