I love the sensual. For me this and love for
the sun has a share in brilliance and beauty
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
著名的Will Carter因其在剑桥的个人出版社而闻名,他将书法家的技能与印刷方面的实际知识结合起来。他对钢笔绘制字体的精通运用到了对Klang的设计中。Klang是一款有点倾斜的书法形状的无衬线字体,具有短小的上伸部和下伸不部。Klang字体可用于非正式的应用场合,例如邀请函、贺卡和海报,但也可用于广告。
Will Carter, well known in connection with his private press in Cambridge, has combined the skills of a calligrapher with a practical knowledge of printing. His mastery of pen-drawn letterforms was put to practical use in the design of Klang. Klang is a slightly inclined and calligraphically shaped sans serif with short ascenders and descenders. The Klang font is useful for informal applications, such as invitations, greetings cards and posters, but can also be used in advertising.