Tis always best to tell the truth. At every crisis, I re
commend this as a chief contribution to security in life.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Kino字体是1930年由Martin Dovey为Monotype公司设计的。由于字母在顶部和底部被夹住,重量很重,Kino在显示器类型中是独一无二的。带有三角衬线的显示字体有时被称为拉丁文,而Kino被称为无衬线版的拉丁文。在非正式的展示场合,尽量少使用Kino字体。
Kino font was designed in 1930 by Martin Dovey for the Monotype Corporation. Heavy in weight with the letters clipped at the top and bottom, Kino is unique among display types. Display typefaces with triangular serifs are sometimes called Latins and Kino is referred to as a serifless Latin. Use Kino font sparingly in informal display situations."