There are two kinds of disease
of the soul, vice and ignorance.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
ITC Cerigo是设计师Jean-Renaud Cuaz为自己设定的挑战的结果:创作一款优雅的具有文艺复兴书法风格的字体,但又有别于众多的Chancery手写体。他称Cerigo为“垂直斜体”,并以15世纪的书法形式为基础。其字重是为了互相补充而经过精心设计的,并通过一些花式大写斜体变得更灵活。ITC Cerigo非常灵活,适用于文本和显示。
ITC Cerigo is the result of a challenge which designer Jean-Renaud Cuaz set for himself: to create a typeface with the grace of Renaissance calligraphy but different from the numerous Chancery scripts. He calls Cerigo a 'vertical italic' and based it on 15th century calligraphic forms. The weights are carefully designed to complement each other and are made more flexible by a number of italic swash capitals. The flexible ITC Cerigo is suitable for both text and display.