Whoso neglects learning in his youth, lo
ses the past and is dead for the future.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
Erik Spiekermann, working in collaboration with Ole Schäfer, originally designed FF Info® Display for use in the context of wayfinding systems. The variants FF Info™ Text and FF Info™ Correspondence were developed later for text setting and office communication. _x000D_ _x000D_ FF Info Display_x000D_ The sober and clear forms of the sans serif FF Info Display have been deliberately molded to make them perfect for use on wayfinding systems. The font by Ole Schäfer and Erik Spiekermann not only takes the problem of lack of space into account - it is some 15% narrower than comparable typefaces - the characters have also been designed to ensure they remain legible even in adverse conditions for reading. As text on signs often contains words with which readers are unfamiliar and which are thus deciphered letter for letter rather than perceived as whole words, it is essential to provide for a clear differentiation between glyphs. Additional serifs on the lowercase "i" and uppercase "I" and a small arch on the terminal of the lowercase "l" ensure that it is possible to readily discriminate between these particularly problematic letters. Moreover, sharp corners on glyphs can also make it difficult to read signs with backlighting or when driving past. The rounded corners of FF Info Display counteract this effect and make sure that the character forms remain well defined.FF Info Display is available in five carefully coordinated weights, from Regular to Bold. In the corresponding italic variants, the letters appear overall more rounded while the lowercase "a" has a closed form and the "f" has a descender. Also included among the glyphs of FF Info Display are several ligatures and arrow symbols. Pictograms with different themes that complement the typeface are also available in four weights._x000D_ _x000D_ FF Info Text_x000D_ Thanks to his know-how gained through designing other typefaces, Erik Spiekermann became aware that fonts created for use in problematic environments can be used in many different situations. In smaller point sizes, FF Info Display cuts a fine figure when used to set longer texts. So Spiekermann carefully reworked FF Info Display to produce FF Info Text, a font perfected for use in this context. Not only can the characters be more generously proportioned, certain features, such as additional serifs to aid with the differentiation of problematic letters, are also no longer necessary in textual surroundings. The upright styles have a double-story "g" while Spiekermann has added oldstyle figures and small caps._x000D_ _x000D_ FF Info Correspondence_x000D_ FF Info Correspondence has also been designed for setting block text although it recalls the style of old typewriter characters and is specifically intended for use in office communication. The characters of this third member of the family are thus more formal, without rounded terminals but with rectangular punctuation marks. The narrower letters are provided with large serifs to give them more space although, at the same time, this reduces the differences in terms of letter width among the alphabet. In contrast with its two siblings, FF Info Correspondence has only three weights, each with corresponding italic.The three styles of the FF Info super family cover an extensive range of potential applications. If the different kerning is adjusted manually, the three styles harmonize happily with each other and can be readily used in combination to set, for example, headlines and texts and also creative display options.
步骤二:Windows系统:将字体文件复制到C:\WINDOWS\Fonts 文件夹即可(Win7以上版本选中文件,右键可以直接安装)。
步骤三:MAC OS系统:点击菜单栏->前往->应用程序->字体册,将字体文件复制到字体册中即可。
1. 在MAC或Windows系统中,安装字体库
2. 在桌面程序中使用,如MS WORD,MS PPT,Mac Pages,Adobe InDesign,Adobe Photoshop等
3. 个人打印、微博图片、美化照片、学生作业等所有个人非商业用途
家庭版是基于用户数量授权的形式,即您仅可以在一台装有Windows 或Mac OS 的电子计算机上安装、运行本字库软件供个人非商业使用。
1. 全媒体商业发布,包括印刷媒体和电子媒体
2. 商业设计案,如手册、海报、平面广告、户外广告、影视广告、产品包装等
3. 企业网站、企业网店、购买网站发布商业授权
4. 企业VI系统
5. 新媒体,以图片的形式在APP软件、微信公众号等平台宣传使用。
以个人为主体的,非公司性质的1. 个人出版物,如同人作品,漫画等
2. 个人以作者身份发布的APP应用
3. 个人网络店铺(包括个人微店)
1. 报纸、图书、期刊等