Ignorant men don't know what good they hold
in their hands until they've flung it away.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch™由Rudolf Koch于1925年为德国奥芬巴赫的Klingspor Bros. Foundry公司而设计。Koch是Klingspor的首席设计师,他以此铸造厂的合伙人的名字命名该字体。Koch是一位杰出的书法家、艺术家和设计师。这款字体被世界各地的blackletter爱好者所推崇和模仿,它可能是现存的最好的textura字体示例。Textura(也称为blackletter或gothic)是中世纪在北欧发展起来的一种书写风格。Blackletter中使用的空格与我们所了解的罗马字形大不相同。此类文字和字体中的小写形式必须用黑白元素均匀地进行纹理处理,就像编织或织物的纹理一样。哥特式大写字母可以提供统一均匀的纹理(通过使用装饰性的形式),或者如果它们是白色的且足够宽,足够开放,它们也可以提供产生视觉冲击的亮点。Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch的大小写字母都很帅气、充满活力且有派头,间距几乎和Gutenberg的一样好。这款闪闪发光的哥特式字体在大小为14pt或更大时最适合用于圣诞节问候、证书、婚礼请柬、广告或音乐附属品。
Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch™ was designed in 1925 by Rudolf Koch for the Klingspor Bros. Foundry in Offenbach, Germany. Koch, who was chief designer at Klingspor, named the font in honor of the foundry's co-owner. Koch was a remarkable calligrapher, artist, and designer. This face, admired and emulated by blackletter aficionados around the world, is probably the finest existing example of a textura typeface. Textura (also known as blackletter or gothic) is the style of writing developed in Northern Europe in the middle ages. The use of space in blackletter is quite different from what we know about Roman letterforms. The lowercase forms in such writing and typefaces must be evenly textured with black and white elements, like the texture of weaving or fabric. Gothic capital letters can provide either an integration of the even texture (by the use of ornamental forms) or, if they are wide and open and filled with white, they provide bright spots of visual emphasis. Both the caps and the lowercase in Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch are handsome, vigorous, and masterful; and the spacing is almost as good as Gutenberg's. Use this sparkling gothic gem in sizes 14 point or larger for Christmas greetings, certificates, wedding invitations, advertising, or music collateral pieces.