Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to
get your heart’s desire; the other is to get it.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
粗衬线体Waterloo Bold由Alan Meeks设计。他选择使用独特而个性化的形式使该字母的特征非常明显。大写字母的交叉笔画不在视觉中心上,衬线上的犁沟并不明显,字体轮廓略微向右倾斜,使该字体具有动感、流畅的风格。Waterloo Bold让人联想到雪茄、威士忌以及20世纪30年代,且只能在大字号的标题中使用。
The slab serif Waterloo Bold was designed by Alan Meeks. He chose unique and individual forms to give this alphabet its unmistakable character. The cross strokes of the capitals are not in the optical center, the serifs have light furrows, and the figures have a slight slant tot he right, giving this font a dynamic, flowing look. Waterloo Bold is reminiscent of cigars, whiskey and the 1930s and should be used only in headlines in large point sizes.