A wise doctor does not mutter incantat
ions over a sore that needs the knife.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tiger Rag是英国书法家John Viner的作品,他在创作这款戏剧性的非正式字体时受到了日本书法的启发。该字体广泛、灵活,有许多替代字符。Tiger Rag是非正式显示排印的理想之选,它可以产生一种新颖随机的效果。
Tiger Rag is the work of English calligrapher John Viner, who was inspired by Japanese calligraphy when creating this dramatic, informal typeface. The font is extensive and flexible, with many alternate characters. Tiger Rag is an excellent choice for casual display typography which should produce a fresh, random effect.