As a wind in the mountains assaul
ts an oak, Love shook my breast.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
由美国设计师Jill Bell设计的Smack面向的是不屑于守规则的年轻一代。该字体打破了传统而且很有趣。这些图形的形成看起来几乎都是巧合。字母在粗细笔画之间交替出现,并伴有细小的点点,这些小点点就像是偶然滴在纸上的墨水。Smack是一款图画性的字体,具有明显的手写特性,非常适合卡通、漫画以及其他任何不喜欢把生活搞得太严肃的事物。
Smack, from American designer Jill Bell, is oriented toward a young generation who does not want to mind the rules. The font invites unconventional and playful use. The figures seem to be almost coincidentally shaped. Letters alternate between thin and thick strokes alternate and are accompanied by fine dots which almost look like accidental drops of ink on the paper. Smack is an illustrative font with unmistakable handwriting character and is perfect for cartoons, comics and anything else which is not supposed to take life too seriously.