The spoken word is man's physician in grief. F
or this alone has soothing charms for the soul.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
A.M. Cassandre在20世纪30年代设计了Peignot,字体反映了时代感。它是新印刷术的产物,像Moholy-Nagy这样的包豪斯(Bauhaus)艺术家对此做出了贡献。Peignot最突出的特点是小写字母,它实际上是由大小写混合构成的。Peignot字体特别受广告欢迎,给人留下独特的印象。
A.M. Cassandre designed Peignot in the 1930s and the font reflects a feel of the times. It is a product of the New Typography, to which Bauhaus artists like Moholy-Nagy contributed. Peignot's most outstanding characteristic is found in the lower case alphabet, which is actually composed of a mixture of lower case and upper case forms. Especially popular for advertisements, Peignot font makes a unique, experimental impression.