Observe due measure, for right timing is
in all things the most important factor.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
意大利诗人兼作家Francesco Pastonchi被委托制作新版的《Italian Classics》,但未能找到满足其需求的字体。他决定在都灵皇家印刷学院的Eduardo Cotti教授的协助下着手设计一种新的字体。早期的印刷作品、手稿和铭文都经过了仔细的研究之后,才把图纸交给Monotype进行制作。在准备生产字体之前,在Monotype Type Drawing Office中对设计进行了精心的改进。Pastonchi是一款威尼斯风格的字体,具有清新且近乎带有异国情调的外观,非常适用于诗歌和短篇小说等古典作品。Pastonchi字体家族具有漂亮的字符形状,也可以用来做出色的展示和广告文案。
Italian poet and author, Francesco Pastonchi was commissioned to produce a new edition of the Italian Classics but was unable to find types which satisfied his needs. He decided to embark on designing a new typeface, assisted by Professor Eduardo Cotti at the Royal School of Typography in Torino. Early printed works, manuscripts and inscriptions were carefully studied before drawings were presented to Monotype for matrix production. A process of careful refinement of the design was carried out in the Monotype Type Drawing Office before the typeface was ready for manufacture. Pastonchi is a Venetian style face with a fresh, almost exotic appearance, ideally suited to classical works such as poetry and short stories. The Pastonchi font family has beautiful character shapes that also make excellent display and advertising copy.