A wise doctor does not mutter incantat
ions over a sore that needs the knife.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
这一手写家族可用于广告、邀请函、贺卡以及任何需要正式手绘或雕刻外观的地方。Original Script优美的连笔字母表是基于书法笔迹。Original Script字体用于婚礼与正式场合的邀请函,以及个人信笺比较稳妥。
This script collection is used in advertising, invitations, greeting cards, and wherever a formal hand-lettered or engraving look is desired. Original Script has an elegant connecting alphabet based on formal handwriting. The Original Script font is a safe choice for invitations to weddings and formal occasions, and personal stationery.