Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to
get your heart’s desire; the other is to get it.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
ITC Korigan是法国设计师Thierry Puyfoulhoux的作品,他想用这款安色尔(uncial)字体替代Victor Hammer的字体American Uncial(仍然是他作为安色尔特征的参考)。” 正如Hammer所说,圆形的安色尔字母使ITC Korigan看起来像是穿在绳子上的珍珠,而ITC Korigan在这方面与传统完全相同。尽管它是圆形的,但其字形对于现代人来说仍然很熟悉且清晰易读。”
ITC Korigan is a work of French designer Thierry Puyfoulhoux, an uncial typeface which he wanted to offer as an alternative to Victor Hammer's American Uncial, which remains for him the uncial character of reference." The roundness of an uncial gives it the look of pearls on a string, as Hammer said, and ITC Korigan is true to its heritage in this respect. Despite the roundness, however, the forms remain familiar and legible to the modern eye."