I willingly speak to those who know, b
ut for those who do not know I forget.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Felix Titling是一款由大写字母、数字和标点组成的标题字体。Felix Titling是基于委罗内塞的书法家和画家Felice Feliciano开发的一个字母表,该字母表于1463年在他关于罗马铭文的专著中出现过。原件保存在梵蒂冈图书馆中。Felix Titling字体具有铭文字母的比例,并且字符具有某种几何形状,设计为大尺寸是为了其最好的一面,这样可以看到其细节和经典比例的效果都是最佳的。
Felix Titling is a titling font consisting of capitals, figures and punctuation. Felix Titling is based closely on an alphabet developed by the Veronese calligrapher and painter, Felice Feliciano, which appeared in 1463 in his treatise on Roman inscriptions. The original is preserved in the Vatican library. The Felix Titling font has the proportions of an inscriptional letter and is somewhat geometric in character, designed to look at its best in large sizes, where both its detailing and classic proportions can be seen to best effect.