Hateful to me as are the gates of hell, Is he wh
o, hiding one thing in his heart, Utters another.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Tħé qüiçk břøŵñ főx júmpš övér á łäżý đòġ
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Linotype Elisa字体是出自于设计师Christopher Young之手,是TakeType字体库的一部分,该字体库是从1999年Linotype主办的国际数字字体设计大赛的参赛作品中选出的,收录在TakeType 3 CD中。 该字体是一款手写字体,笔画流畅,笔触浪漫。该字体中的文本风格很个性且在大小为8pt及更大时易读性更好。Linotype Elisa适用于中等长度的文本和标题。
Linotype Elisa, from designer Christopher Young, is part of the TakeType Library, chosen from the entries of the Linotype-sponsored International Digital Type Design Contest 1999 for inclusion on the TakeType 3 CD. The font is a flowing calligraphy font with an almost romantic touch. Text set in this font will have a personal flair and is legible in point sizes of 8 and larger. Linotype Elisa is best for middle length texts and headlines.