I willingly speak to those who know, b
ut for those who do not know I forget.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
ITC Chivalry是一种书法混合体,它秉承将罗马大写字母与斜体小写字母组合在一起的传统。这幅画由密苏里州的刻字艺术家(Rob Leuschke绘制,他在纹理水彩画上使用了笔尖扁平的钢笔,然后将这些画转换成数字字体。这幅设计结合了“旧世界”的感觉和“新世界”的易读性。一套配套的哥特黑体大写字母完成了这一套完整字符。
“从我记事起,我就喜欢画字母,”Leuschke说。“即使在幼儿园,我也试着像我的老师一样画字母。”大学毕业后,Leuschke在圣路易斯的一家标识公司工作了一段时间,20世纪80年代初,他开始在堪萨斯城的Hallmark Cards工作。作为一名书法家和刻字艺术家,他的才华最终使他回到圣路易斯,开始了自由职业生涯。从那时起,Leuschke已经创作了超过250种字体,主要用于贺卡行业,现在他的客户遍布世界各地。
Leuschke最初认为字就是黑色的大写字母; 他后来添加了罗马字母,使设计具有更多功能。ITC Chivalry的罗马大写字母加上小写字母非常适合成片的文本,而装饰性更强的黑色大写字母则非常适合显示只有几个单词的简短文本。这两种大写字母都是很好的首字母。”
ITC Chivalry is a calligraphic hybrid that honors the tradition of combining Roman capitals with italic lowercase letters. Drawn by Missouri lettering artist Rob Leuschke, who used a flat-nib pen on textured watercolor stock and then converted the drawings into a digital font, the design combines an old world" feel with "new world" legibility. A companion set of black letter caps completes the suite of characters.
"I've loved drawing letters for as long as I can remember," says Leuschke. "Even in kindergarten, I tried to draw letters like my teacher." After graduating from college, Leuschke worked for a short time at a sign company in St. Louis, and in the early 1980s began working at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City. His talent as a calligrapher and lettering artist eventually brought him back to St. Louis to begin a freelance career. Since then Leuschke has created over 250 fonts, primarily for the greeting card industry, that are now being used on work for his clients all over the world.
Leuschke first conceived of the face as just the black letter caps; he later added the Roman letters to give the design more versatility. The Roman caps of ITC Chivalry combined with the lowercase are well suited to blocks of copy, while the more decorative black letter caps are ideal for showcasing short text of just a few words. Both sets of capitals also make great initial letters."