There are two kinds of disease
of the soul, vice and ignorance.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Julia Script是一款有趣的书法字体,由David Harris于1983年设计。它仿佛把观看者带到了“花之力量”的20世纪70年代。 拥有愉悦、圆滑的笔画起笔以及收笔的大写字母与细窄、贴近又充满活力的小写字母形成了鲜明的对比。该字体的特征(与Candice相似)是字体下三分之一处的笔划明显变宽。这个细节让人联想到20世纪70年代特有的厚底鞋。Julia Script代表着自由和快乐,通常可以在聚会宣传单及复古广告中看到。Julia Script很少用在标题和标语中,不过如果使用了也一定会引人注目。
Julia Script is a playful calligraphic font designed by David Harris in 1983. It takes the viewer back to the flower power of the 1970s. Generous capitals with cheerful, rounded stroke beginnings and endings contrast perfectly with the narrower, closer, but nevertheless vibrant lower case letters. Characteristic of this typeface and similar to Candice is the marked increase in stroke width in the lower third of the figures. This detail is reminiscent of the platform shoes typical of the 1970s. Julia Script suggests freedom and fun and can often be found on party fliers and retro advertisements. Used sparingly in headlines and slogans, Julia Script will be sure to attract attention.