Remember what is unbecoming to d
o is also unbecoming to speak of.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
Conference是一个大胆,好玩的无衬线字体,由Martin Wait在1978年设计。会议的来信很弯曲。他们中的许多人从他们的中心向外隆起。这种字体提供的感觉与大多数当代无衬线显示字体不同。会议很热闹,但又不影响可读性。该类型应设置为较大的显示尺寸,以使眼睛可以更好地欣赏其爱的形式。
Conference is a bold, playful sans serif, which was designed in 1978 by Martin Wait. Conference's letters are very curvaceous; many of them bulge lovingly outward from their centers. This typeface offers a different feeling than is available from most contemporary sans serif display faces; Conference is lively, without sacrificing readability. The type should be set in large, display sizes, where the eye can better appreciate its loving forms.