I willingly speak to those who know, b
ut for those who do not know I forget.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
在一台笨拙的古董打字机上敲出一大段文字并用于一张音乐节的明信片之后,设计师Steve Mehallo碰到了不可避免的事情-重大文本变化。
在把这段文字反复键入了几次之后,Steve意识到他需要创作一种计算机字体,其古怪的排印风格和那台20世纪40年代的手动打字机完全一样。结果就是这款Chandler 42,这是一个多种字重的字体集,其中包含一些老式的装饰数字,参差不齐的基线和一些不完整的字母。 Chandler 42字体家族可以很轻松的用于打印冗长的文本,用于创建大的标题或用于撰写阴暗扭曲的回忆录。在任何需要古老技术风格的地方试试Chandler 42。
After hammering out a long paragraph on a clumsy antique typewriter for use on a music festival postcard, designer Steve Mehallo ran into the inevitable - major text changes. After typing and retyping the paragraph a few times, Steve realized that he needed to create a computer font with the exact same typographic eccentricities of that very same 1940s manual typewriter. The result is pulp mystery-inspired Chandler 42, a multiple weight font collection containing old style Deco numerals, uneven baselines and a few broken letters. The Chandler 42 font family can easily be used for lengthy typewritten text, for creating large in your face headlines or for writing dark and twisted memoirs. Try Chandler 42 anywhere a touch of old technology is needed.